Friday, February 29, 2008

When people say 'I know him/her well'.

I find it privately hilarious when someone says,"Oh, person X would/wouldn't do that. I know her, she wouldn't do it." The claim that you can know someone so well that you can predict their actions and thoughts so accurately is ridiculous. I don't care how close you are to that person, I don't care how long you've lived with that person, I don't care how much that person talks to can NEVER know EVERYTHING about someone so as to predict their thoughts, movements, actions and reactions. Making such a statement is simply the height of conceit. The most you can do is anticipate....give yourself an 80% accuracy rate. That's it, no more than that.

Does your victim follow a fixed schedule to which you are privy to? Are you telepathically linked to the victim? Does your victim pander to you and is willing to live her life around YOUR expectations? Are you the victim's personal deity?

You may think it unfair of me to label the subject as a victim, but that's definitely what she is. If you subject them to your high-and-mighty assumptions without their knowledge, then you ARE victimising them.

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