Monday, April 14, 2008

Sometimes it's not the thought that counts, it's the amount of thinking that went into it.

My colleague recently returned from a trip to Bali. As expected, she brought back a few trinkets for the rest of us. Look at what she got each of us:

In case the awesome resolution of my phone's camera didn't clue you in on it, it's a miniature wooden slipper fridge magnet. The whole thing is about the size of my thumb. Note the flowing white script along the bottom that, with a little imagination, can be taken to read, "Bali".
This cute little doohickey will now be stuck onto my fridge door, forever reminding me of the wonderful and relaxing trip that my colleague went on and I did not.

Now, I like and appreciate souvenirs as much as the next greedy bloke, but it's gifts like these that generate more resentment than happiness. If she had gotten us something actually useful, practical, or wearable, this would not be such a sore point for me. Hey, you went on a trip, and I got a free t-shirt. Everybody wins.

With trinkets like these however, I gain no use or satisfaction from it apart from seething envy. When someone looks at it, they'll say,"Oh! So how was Bali?", to which I will answer,"I have no idea. I've never been there." Then truth dawns on the commenter, and an awkward silence descends that can only be broken by vodka or a dirty joke.

Or maybe I'm just an ungrateful piece of shit. Anyway, thank you for this thing. Regardless of any feelings of jealousy that may spill over from your gift, I still find it abominably cute.


Anonymous said...

hehehe..wait till your COLLEAGUE read this!! =)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah!! I did buy for a few of my frens too! lol and i got a pair stuck to my fridge too lol... i promise my self to get one magnet from which ever country I've been to. Just for keep sake
