Thursday, May 15, 2008

I love it when you rush-inhale.

You know what I find sexy? That sharp intake of breath you hear just before a singer sings a verse, especially if the verses are close together. It's usually only audible on studio recordings, since in live shows, the microphones are rarely that sensitive. I get a little thrill every time I hear it, particularly if the song is emotionally-charged. I cannot really explain why I get such a kick out of this phenomenon, hereby known as 'rush-inhaling'. Shut up, I can't think of anything better at the moment. Also, my attraction to rush-inhaling is gender-neutral. Singers who rush-inhale include Rob Thomas (from Matchbox Twenty), Liam Gallagher (from Oasis), Ingrid Michaelson and MariƩ Digby.

I don't know. There's just something vulnerable, crucial, precarious about it. "I need this breath, and I need it fast. I can't sing this next verse without it. I can't live without it." Oh, God. That's just so incredibly sexy.

P.S.: Damian Kulash from OK Go, especially on the song 'Oh Lately It's So Quiet'.


Anonymous said...

Have you heard the sharp intake of breath by Rob Thomas at the beginning of "Long Day" on their first album? Whoa...

++Surunan++ said...

Yes. Yes, indeed I have. It is stupendously awesome. We should discuss this further. =p

Unknown said...

hah.. perv!!

jk, me understand wht ur saying but i think rob thomas over doing it. its either sexy or just simply sappy. i think it depend on the lyrics too lah but i agree that sometimes it can be very sexy.

eg: thom york (radiohead) - creep