Thursday, December 18, 2008

Losing ground.

The world isn't fair.

Equality is an illusion.

Fairness is simply a holding pattern while someone figures out a way to screw you over.

We are not all equal. Heck, we were not even created equal. There's always someone out there with the short end of the stick.

I used to fiercely believe that everyone had an equal opportunity to make something of themselves. This is slowly starting to ring hollow. Each person may have different strengths, but the fact that they have strengths doesn't make them equal. Some qualities are worth more than others. There will always be someone greater, and someone lesser. I used to think I was one of the former.

But I am a lesser, to my growing realisation and dismay. My advantages, strengths, and good qualities are easily overshadowed by my weaknesses. When compared against those I pit myself against, I come out the loser.

I detest my station.

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