Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Typical Thought String Of Mine

Recorded on October 27th 2010, between 9.30am and 10am. Subject is driving to work.

Nuts. Nuts! Why's there so much traffic at this hour!?
Damn it. God damn it.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers' Suck My Kiss is playing on the CD player.
Oh, haha, I get it. He says suck my kiss, but you can easily replace 'kiss' with 'dick'. 'Your mouth was made to suck my dick'. Clever!
Ah, crap. I'm gonna be stuck in this car for the next 30 minutes.
There is no God.
But I'm Catholic.
Whatever, I'm just repeating a cliche, shut it, conscience.
Maybe Stephen Hawking was right, there is no God.
Hmm, but a few years ago he ALSO said that the universe existed in such a way as to allow for the existence of God.
This guy has a forked tongue. Like a snake. Stupid paraplegic.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers' Parallel Universe is playing on the CD player.
Oh, sidewinder. Yeah, that's a snake too!
Moves sideways...uh, no, weaves from side to side to move forward across sand dunes in the desert. No traction and all that.
But it's kind of hot in the desert. I know reptiles cannot regulate their own body heat, so sidewinders need the sun to push their bodies into activity, but I don't think that 'more is better' in this case. You'd lose too much moisture. So maybe it only travels in the mornings and evenings.
Horn blast from nearby truck.
Oh fuck. Ok, it was nothing. Nothing to do with me.
Hmm, dinosaurs were also reptiles.
What's that dinosaur with the sail on its back? Dimetrodon. So the sails on its back helps it to gain more heat by increasing the surface area of skin exposed to the morning sunlight. It probably means it was more active than other dinosaurs during that time. It would probably stand perpendicular to the sun's rays in order to maximise light and heat absorption in the mornings.
Oh yeah, there's another dinosaur that does something similar. Plates on its back. Stegosaurus, I think. That one could move its plates up and down, to catch the most rays. Heheh, sunbathing dinosaurs. With suntan lotion, an umbrella, sunglasses, beach towel. Heheheh.
Didn't it have spikes on its tail for self-defense? Yeah, it did. So the spikes were probably made of bone.
Ugh, bone sticking out of your flesh. I wonder how that would work without you bleeding to death. How would your skin cover your body while still letting certain bones stick out?
Looks at fingernails.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Oh, i'm almost at the office already. Awesome.