Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Your subconscious opinion on certain things.

Specifically, what home is, or was. "Oh bother, ANOTHER dream-based topic." I can hear the groans already.

As usual, I can't remember the specifics of my dream. All I can recall is that I was leaving home, and I didn't want to, but I had no choice. I was going around the place, shutting windows and closing doors and covering stuff with dust protectors (I know! So unlike me!) and sighing and feeling vaguely angry and yet powerless to stop the unseen power forcing me to leave my humble abode.

The interesting thing here is that, the message driven was that I was leaving home, but it wasn't my CURRENT home. The home in my dream was an old apartment that we moved out of some time in 1998. I can still remember its details clearly, and come to think of it, whenever I dream of the concept of home, that's the place that pops up. I suppose the place where you spent the majority of your rational childhood is the one which your subconscious mind will forever call home. It need not be a particularly happy place, or a safe one (There was a death in the opposite house...hahaha). As long as it is constant, and familiar.

This growing up thing sucks. I want to go back to a time when I had less concerns, less worries, less heartache and pain. I want to return to the state where I did not have any dreams or ambitions apart from doing well in all those silly annual school examinations. I want to revert to a time of utter irresponsibility, where my mistakes did not directly affect someone else's livelihood.

I want to go home. The home in my memories.

P.S.: I am the king of tangents.

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