Saturday, August 2, 2008

I wait for no man.

I hate waiting. Waiting implies inactivity, and I am a perpetually restless person. I cannot sit idly by unless I know I am accomplishing something by doing so. I cannot be patient unless I know doing so draws me closer to my goal. Even then, I chaff at the self-enforced walls of restraint.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not impatient. I am not the kind of person who must have everything quickly, who must get quick results all the time. I am not about instant gratification; I can be deathly serene about waiting, as long as something is there to occupy my attention. As long as I am doing something, my mind and body can vent all its excess energy safely, if not productively. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy music; my mind runs through the lyrics as the song plays, anticipates the note changes and instrument flourishes, and my legs tap to the beat. I have to keep moving, all the time, until I tire myself out and sleep.

When it comes to waiting for events to happen or circumstances to change, I can be equally restless. This usually results in me falling into all sorts of emotional moods and going through mental anguish while I internally debate the pros of waiting versus the cons of lost opportunities that occur from my restraint while I vacillate, trusting the day will come. It is quite a horrible predicament. It's not even faith that keeps me going; at least with faith, you put all your hopes into a God who answers you all the time(I think)...just not in the way you expect. But when you wait for a can't even call it faith. Instead, it is self-delusion, illusions of hope and grandeur, self-inflicted promises and encouragement to hold on for just that little bit longer. It is rubbish, there is no value in it, you cannot trust it, there is no institution that would back such currency. "This dream is good for 1 metric kilogramme of gold, vouched for by the Bank of False Hopes." Hardy har har.

I am so tired.

Yet still I wait. Resilient, unchanging, and constant.

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