Thursday, October 4, 2007

White means safe, terracotta red means death

I have this strange habit that surfaces every time I walk across a tiled floor. You know how shopping malls and certain paved sidewalks have different coloured tiles/bricks arranged in a set geometric pattern? When I walk on such floors, I play a little game with myself where I have to step only on certain coloured tiles, and avoid all other tiles like the plague. I try to be as casual as possible when I do this, but occasionally I get stares from people who notice my strides are irregular as I try to step only on the "safe" coloured tiles. Sometimes I switch things around a bit and pretend that I am the knight from chess, and may only step on tiles that form the L shape in relation to the last tile I stepped on. This amuses me to no end, and occasionally lands me in trouble as I concentrate too much on the floor instead of where I am going.

Why do I do this? I don't really know. Theories that have come up include:
- I get bored walking from point A to point B without doing something. Anything. Apparently the act of counting tiles solves this problem.
- I may be unknowingly suffering from a mild form of OCD. I have other idiosyncrasies that are similar to this, but I can't be bothered to recount them now. No, I won't. Go away! What are you, my mommy?
- I'm an idiot. This sounds like the most plausible explanation at the moment.

Note how I cleverly slip into 'ye olde blogging rhythm' even if this is actually my inaugural blog post, ever. I'm so awesome.

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