Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I need a new everything.

So, it's the new year. Supposedly time for resolutions, to try and make yourself a better person. So be it.

I resolve to be a more considerate person, to think more about the welfare of others.
I resolve to nurture a slightly better work ethic.

Alright, now that that unpleasant piece of business is over, I've realised that I'm running around with a lot of old and outdated gear. This includes college-era clothes, an old phone that is starting to develop problems, and lack of my own working computer. My athletic shoes are a shambles, I want new glasses and a more mature watch. I may need new loafers, or a pair of new sandals, of which I have not worn for at least a year (I love my hush puppies too much, poor loafers.) I want a kickass laptop, dammit.

Therefore, what better way to celebrate the trap of consumerism, of which many of us are willing captives, than by splurging on a new pair of headphones for my venerable iPod? I like my new headphones very much. They keep the music in, while keeping financial reality out. It's great.

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