Thursday, January 31, 2008

This is the new year.

Alright. I'm eating crow. I'm going back on what I said a few weeks ago. I admit it. Stop hounding me already.

Last weekend, while I was slaving away on this as-yet unfinished freelance project in a hot and stuffy office, all alone, I noticed a stunning difference.

I'd stopped complaining. I had gotten used to it. It was like I didn't care anymore. It seemed as if I no longer minded working a few extra hours on weekends and holidays. Hmm.

At that juncture, I had a choice: I could REPENT, and decide to never work like this again, and preserve what I'd considered my steadfast principles....or leave the old perspective, let it die, and embrace the new opportunities that this new attitude and focus afforded me.

I took a look at last year and tried to pinpoint where my current principles and focus had led me. End result? Decent money, but I always felt I was a little short. I had a lot of free time, but I frittered most of it away on stuff that didn't really matter. I did not manage to find love as I had hoped, and activities that originated as hobbies became obsessions and started defining who I was. My goals of trying to be happy were not met. Instead, I was left indulging in multiple forms of escapism while waiting for THE BIG THING to happen. in hindsight, my intentions were noble, but what really disappointed me was the stuff I was doing in between.

For this year, I want things to change. I'm going to make money this year! I shall spend more of my time finding ways to increase my financial income. I will not neglect my hobbies and interests, I am merely scaling them back. I want to spend less time moping and being depressed and wistful; less time brooding and reflecting on memories. I want to be less dependent on others when it comes to the use of my time. I will even make slightly more effort to be a social animal! Im going to fucking travel too! Hahahahahahahaha.

This is the year I increase my nett (financial) value significantly. This is the year I make a little something more of myself, my way. This is the year I learn new things, meet new people, change perspectives, attitudes and views, and visit new places. This is hopefully the year I meet someone know.

So. This is the new year. New year, meet the new (and slightly improved) me. Nice to meet you, how do you do.

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