Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Confession: I like chick flicks.

I go alone. I catch them in the cinema, so as to leave as little proof as possible. Another plus of watching these movies alone is that when I react emotionally, no one significant is around to see it. No witnesses.

So I'm a real sucker for chick flicks. They do the same thing for me as truly great romantic love songs do. For a moment, strings of empathy and emotion bind me to the characters, and I feel as they do.

It gives me hope. Hahaha.


Unknown said...

good chick flicks are good. some of them are bad though. nevertheless, good movies are good - be it chick flicks or chicks with dicks.

ps: i just saw this movie recently - anarchist cookbook. check it out,

hanna said...

27 dresses! yes! awesome.

also, if you haven't, and you grew up on disney movies like me, go watch enchanted.

++Surunan++ said...

i'm detecting a james marsden-laced bias here.