Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A dream is a wish your heart makes.

A sentence, a point, an idea that has existed since 1950, when it debuted as the title of a song in Cinderella. Being the poster boy of sloth, I am too lazy to troll the net looking for scientific theories on what dreams actually mean. I have a vague recollection of reading somewhere which theorised that dreams are simply a collection of thoughts and images that the subconscious strings together while the body rests. There is a rough storyline involved(usually) in a dream, but it is mostly just the subconscious playing in the dream sandbox to keep it from being bored to bits while you sleep.

But what kind of idea, concept or image actually makes it into a dream? A part of your brain is trying to stave off boredom, so it needs to come up with interesting situations and ideas with which to amuse itself. Depending on what it feels like experiencing, there's a quite a variety to choose from. You can have a dramatic, emotional dream filled with heartache and sorrow, or go for an action-packed dream filled with explosions and heroic achievements. Or maybe you're one of those who like to be scarred psychologically, so you dream of ghosts and zombies and other stuff that horror movies are made of, with a liberal helping of blood and gore. And then there's the standard romantic dreams, and dreams where you are the opposite of what you are in real life.

The topic that interests me here is the one where your dreams are based on possibilities, the different routes your life might have taken if certain circumstances had occurred. So the question is, when you get this sort of dream, is it simply a random production of your brain, or is it really a wish your heart makes?

I ask this question because I have been having dreams with a certain recurring theme, on and off for a while now. It pops in every once in a few weeks.It is a nice, fanciful dream, that COULD happen, but most likely will not. As in, I MAY be able to make it happen if I wanted it bad enough, but the possible repercussions involved as well as the initial effort expended to achieve it...I don't know. It's fantastic if it were to come true. But I know it won't happen. Yes, I'm being deliberately vague. Shut it.

What I'm wondering here is, in my heart of hearts, do I wish it would come true, or is just another patched-together play my gambolling subconscious puts on to entertain itself? Are such dreams really wishes of the sleeping heart?

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