Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Malicious intent or no, it is wrong to bad-mouth.

I caught myself ranting about this dude that I get exasperated with sometimes to another friend. It was all about how this person was unreliable, opportunistic and selfish. After about a minute into the rant, I began to feel guilty and stopped. It was a pretty cowardly thing to do, bad-mouthing/complaining about someone behind their backs without giving them a chance to defend themselves. Now, to set the record straight, I have openly confronted him about his shortcomings and how much it annoyed me. However, this does not give me the license to continue attacking him like I did, behind his back. I got pissed with myself then. If I don't want other people to do this to me, why do I still persist in doing it to others? Is there some kind of instinctive flaw, or ingrained cowardice that makes me do this?

It is wrong, I know it is. Better to be blunt and upfront than malicious and cowardly. But better yet, to just keep your gripes to yourself.

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