Monday, June 16, 2008

Why my job is hard.

My job is hard because no sane person wants to handle the details of designing, building and maintaining complex informational and logistics management systems.

My job is hard because in humanity's rush to get better (while slowly killing ourselves), we keep coming up with new technology that makes existing ones obsolete too quickly. I find it near impossible to keep up.

My job is hard because customers and bosses would rather see results in a short amount of time than implement the necessary amount of proper design concepts, which in contrast takes a longer time BUT ensures system maintenance becomes more manageable as time passes.

My job is hard because developers before me (myself included) have abandoned most said best coding practices for short-term results, rather than design purity.

My job is hard because short-sighted customers are always changing their minds on how they want their systems to work.

My job is hard because sales support staff are always trying to appease said customers by giving in to their demands, no matter how ridiculous or dangerous.

My job is hard because of the high turnover rate in my industry. Apparently operator burnout doesn't faze anyone here anymore. Rather than seeing it as an overarching problem, employers simply assume it is a problem endemic to those in the IT industry, and don't bother doing anything about it.

My job is hard because people invariably make mistakes, and it's my job to fix them. People make a LOT of mistakes, it seems.

And my job is hard because while I am good at it, I don't really like it all that much anymore.

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