Monday, November 5, 2007

Hair-flipping and its terrible consequences.

Most women with shoulder-length or longer hair will flip it from time to time. I am using this term in its most general sense. I take it to mean anything from brushing strands out of their eyes to a full flip after putting on a jacket. I have studied this curious action for quite some time now, and the reasons are many and varied. Some of them are:

- to remove visual obstruction
- to stop the jacket or some other article of clothing from pinning the hair down
- to brush away hairs that are sticking to one's neck or face
- out of habit

One unintentional effect of hair-flipping is to make me fall in love with you. I don't know why it is so, it just is. When a woman flips her hair, the whole scene goes into bullet-time for me. Her fingers seem to run effortlessly through the shining, unique strands. A breeze appears out of nowhere and gently sculpts the delicate waves of shimmering silk into a vision of glory. In short, it looks exactly like a television commercial for some hair product. I am devastated and floored by such a fleeting, yet wondrous display of femininity.

So if you are one of those who is in the habit of flipping your hair, don't blame me if I develop a crush on you.


trevie trev said...

guys flip their too!!!

i would know i am one of them!!!

trevie trev said...


guys flip their hair too!!!

i would know i am one of them!!!