Thursday, November 1, 2007

I need my sleep, you goddamn dictator. Go AWAY.

One idiosyncrasy I have is that I prefer absolute silence for the first 20 minutes upon awakening. This only applies in the morning, not for afternoon naps and whatnot. During this time period, I do not wish to hear pots and pans clashing and smashing in the kitchen, no noisy engine start-ups, and most importantly, no TALKING. It gets my dander up when someone dares utter words in my direction or tries to engage me in pointless conversation so early in the morning. I mean, come on, I've just been dragged out of blissful sleep into this dark, uncaring universe against my will. Give me time to grouch and reset my initial discontent at the world, please.

Which brings me to the true point of this post: my dad has retired and he's driving me mad. Ever since he stopped working a few days ago, he has been on my nerves and set everyone else' teeth on edge. He wakes up real early in the morning and seems to take offense that some of us like to wake up when it is 2 hours or so away from noon. So he goes about the house banging and clashing and moving furniture about. Even worse, he starts up the vacuum cleaner. Oh, how I hate him for that. He takes the accursed thing and vacuums just outside my fucking door.

Also, I have some flexibility in my work in that I can go in 30 minutes late and no one would bat an eyelid. Except my father. He sticks his head through my door and wakes me up and asks if I'm skipping work today, 1 hour before my allotted wake-up time.

I'm going crazy here. Someone save me from my father.

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