Monday, November 19, 2007

Is the answer really 42?

So I've watched the movie adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I've never heard the original radio version no read the book, so I can't say whether the following was an addendum by the film's writers or if it really is part of the original thing.

Near the end of the story, the protagonist is pressed for the Question to the Ultimate Answer. His response?

Is she the one?

Now, I'm not going to speculate on how other people think, and besides, this thing is all about me and why I am great. Therefore, in my not-very-humble opinion, this really is one of the greatest puzzlers pertinent to my life. It is a question that elicits all sorts of emotional responses, ranging from nervousness to worry to hopeful optimism to barely-contained frustration.

Is she the one?

How does one know the answer to that question? The obvious way is to go ahead and ask her out and find out from there. But what if you can't even get your foot through the door, a.k.a. get shot down? You ask yourself the question again, because if the answer is no, then you give up and go do something else. If its yes, then you keep trying and trying until you succeed or she hates your very guts because you won't take no for an answer.

Is she the one?

Assuming you got your foot through the door (you lucky dog you!), how much time does it take before you can answer the question completely and confidently? How many fights, how much grief must you both go through before you would dare give that question a resounding 'NO' for an answer? Give it too soon, and you may be jumping the gun. You may be making the biggest mistake of your life by giving up too soon, by not having the tolerance required to achieve happiness, by not cherishing what you already have and instead trying constantly for what you could have. On the other hand, taking too long to answer 'no' would result in a lot of pain for very little gain, and lost time.

And if you want to answer 'yes', conversely, wouldn't saying it too early simply up the chances that you may eat your own words later on? And even worse...what if that answer comes to you too late? When it's all over, and words have been said that cannot be taken back, and the damage is done...and you stand alone in the aftermath, and in the ashes of your relationship, it hits you that you've made a terrible, terrible mistake. And that the answer to that question was actually a simple, quiet 'yes'.

This question implies that there is a perfect someone for everyone. Or in the very least, someone with the highest compatibility rating. So, would you settle for less and build up from there? Or do you try to find the best fit and start from theoretically solid ground? Hence, is she the one?

I hate this question.

This is a stupid entry.

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