Thursday, November 22, 2007

I love this game.

So, I've just finished my second game of basketball in 3 years or so. My hamstrings and calves ache like hell, my back is sore, my shoulders and upper arms feel stretched beyond their intended stretching limits, and every step I take makes me want to curl up in a corner and die a quiet death. Even my non-existent ass hurts. In short, I feel great!

I am not what you would call a naturally athletic person. I have skinny arms/legs/everything, and really shitty stamina. The only sports in which I am interested in is basketball and pingpong, and never to the extent of watching such sports on the idiot box. I just want to play them.

Now, I am no expert in the game, even though I used to play it competitively at school level. I have no cool tricks and don't play to impress. What really drives me to play is the rush of adrenaline that floods my veins as I run around the court trying to score, making opportunities for a short pass or trying to rebound a shot. I feel super-alert; my senses feel heightened and refined. Things slow down and speed up dramatically. My body movements are efficient and exact, every limb is at the right place, at the right time. The fatigue and tension in my muscles seemingly disappear for a few seconds as I burst forward to intercept a pass, drive the ball closer to the hoop, pull a jump shot and watch as the ball swishes silently through the net. Okay, that happens rarely, I admit. But when it does, it's beautiful. All the muscles stiffening up, and skinned knees/elbows and resulting pain and fatigue the following day is always worth it. Always.

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